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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Project 365 | Victoria BC Portrait Photographer | My Life

If you have never heard of a 365 project, it is basically taking a picture every day of the year.  There are thousands, maybe millions, of people every year that commit on January 1st to take a photo everyday.  If you do a search, you will find many links to blogs and flickr sites for people to track their journey.  Some people have themes each day, or 365 days of their child, or 365 days of flowers.  Some people have different themes for each day of the month, or an inspiration page.  I was originally going to try and do two separate projects - one of just Messina Bean...and then another of everything else, but decided that may be hard down the road and don't want to quit :)  My compromise is that some days I may post 2 pictures or maybe 3 but more often than not, several times a week, there will be a weimaraner on these pages.  Another goal was to try different things, which could mean composition, editing, flash, etc.  It also means that I am not always looking for the technically perfect photo, but sometimes the story that goes along with the emotionally perfect photo is soooo much better.  I hope you enjoy my journey. 
PS I decided to start on December 31st....not the first of January, just because I wanted to be different AND I love some pictures I took on the 31st.


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